We all love Planner; it is great for managing small projects such as operational “keep the lights on” projects where you need to track resources and basic day-to-day functions. However, sometimes what begins as a simple project becomes much more complex and requires additional project management capabilities. To assist with these situations, Microsoft has added the Copy plan to Project function in Planner that will allow you to copy a Planner plan to Project for the web, providing access to additional functionality. Note that the Copy Plan function in Planner is different from the Copy a Plan to Project function. When you use Copy Plan, you are continuing to work inside Planner. Our focus in this blog is the Copy a Plan to Project function in Planner.
In our example, the 2024 IT Production Support and Enhancements plan is a relatively simple project; however, as planning has started for the upcoming conferences, there are many more tasks with dependencies than Planner can support. Simply choose the ‘Copy plan to Project’ option to import the plan into Project for the web.
Figure 1 – Copy a Plan to Project
All the functions in Project for the web are now available to the Project Manager. Key functions that you can now take advantage of are:
Figure 2 – Other Project for the web functions
Free e-learning for Microsoft Project for the web
Another compelling reason to use Project for the web, in addition to the enhanced features and capabilities, are the integration points:
With the Copy Plan with Planner function, a Project Manager can track to a greater level of detail the steps needed to complete the project, as well as using other Project for the web benefits provided by the Power Platform and Teams.
Client Success Manager, Sensei
Sensei Project solutions is a recognized global leader in Microsoft project and portfolio management (PPM) solutions focused on improving the way your team works. Sensei’s unique turn-key PPM Platform in the Microsoft Cloud, Sensei IQ™, is designed around your needs and a modern way of working. Sensei IQ™ helps you make informed decisions by understanding how all work fits together with meaningful insights into projects, resources and programs across your portfolios.